Lachay Dar Parathay


Flour (aata) 2 cups
All purpose flour (Maida) 1 cup
Oil (as per use)
Ghee (as per use)
Warm Water
Salt 1/2 tbsp

1. Mix flour, all purpose flour and 1 tbsp ghee in a bowl.
2. Knead warm water to make it in a dough form untill its smooth.
2. Let it rest for 10 - 15 min.
3. Now make balls from the dough of lemon sizes.
4. Start rolling the balls into a rope form and then coil it.
5. Press the coil gently with fingers and apply butter and sprinkle little flour on it to make it crispy.
6. Roll out the coil and fry on a hot tawa applying butter.
7. For more lachy and crispier paratha repeat the rolling and coiling process one more time.

Enjoy your crispy lachay wala paratha 😍 ...!!


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